My name is Joe Riegsecker, and I am a long-time chess organizer in northern Indiana. For many years I have used a mailing list to keep folks informed about chess happenings in my area (Elkhart County). For a variety of reasons, I have decided to replace my mailings with this blog. The primary purpose of this blog is to publicize local chess events. Secondary purposes are to publicize more distant events and to provide miscellaneous chess news that may be of interest. This is NOT meant to be a "blog of record." Posts will be removed as soon as they are out of date. It is NOT meant to be a discussion board. You will notice that comments are disabled.
You can visit this page ( anytime you like, or you can sign up to be notified by e-mail whenever I post something new, which I expect to be only once a week. Please use the form on the right side of the page. (You must be reading this in a web browser at the blog site to use the sign-up form. It won't appear in e-mail or in the mobile version.) The e-mail you receive will have some (hopefully unobtrusive) advertisements at the bottom of it. You can unsubscribe any time you want.
Feel free to email me at with any questions or news.